Lifting A caravan into the back yard with our crane

Mar 2017
Moving this van over the power to the shed and around the corner.

Posted by Admin in General | 1 Comment

This caravan was purchased and then realised it would not go around the corner to where it was to be positioned.

After several quotes for bigger cranes lifting it from the street, over the house and into the back yard, I was called in to have a look to see what I could do.

I figured if I used my Spreader Bar and lifted it over the powerline which was shut off at the time, I would be able to place it where it was required.

Upon arrival on the chosen day it took about half an hour to set it up and job was completed successfully within about an hour and a half.

The client was wrapped that it was done with care and that they had potentially saved heaps compared to the quotes they had recieved earlier.

1 Comment


Job well done. Thanks Wayne.

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