Lifting Man into sewer to prep for pump install.

Oct 2016
The support rails had to be modified before pump install.

Posted by Admin in General | 1 Comment

This job involved our Franna Crane to lower a man into the sewer pit by use of a dogbox.

His task was to reinforce the rails that guide the pumps down into their final position.

The pumps are installed using a long chain that is attached to the pump body and secured at the top of the pit. This is to allow for their removal without anyone getting into the pit.

Once the fails a secured properly we lowered the pumps in. They can be seen in the background just behind and to the right of the dogman and spotter.

This pit is classed as a Confined Space so the dogman needed to keep a close look at the worker in the box as well there was also a client employee to assist if there was any problem.

A Gas Monitor is also required to guage any toxic gasses that may be present. An alarm sounds if that was the case.

The client was very happy with our efforts and maintaining a safe procedure to complete their job.

1 Comment


Job well done. Thank you for your help Wayne.

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