Getting ready to install shelters for observers at a skate park.

Sep 2016
Getting the people out of the weather.

Posted by Admin in General | 1 Comment

The truck was already there when I arrived early for the job. Our Franna Crane was hired to lift These frames of the truck and carry them across the park to near where they were to be installed.

Upon doing this the Plumbers clad the top of them with colourbond corrigated roof sheets. They were then slung and picked up at the approximate angle required and then placed onto columns that had already been installed previously.

Once our job was completed it was up to the Plumbers to secure the sheets that needed to be removed for us to sling them and they then clad underneath with a smaller corrigated sheet.

They allow for parents and observers to stand out of the weather to watch the activities. There were some great skate Boarders while we were there and the were a joy to watch between lifts.

Another happy client and I would guess sa lot of parents would appreciate our efforts.

1 Comment


Job well done. Thank you Wayne.

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