Lifting A Caravan over a brick wall

Mar 2017
The owner need more storage room at the rear of his shop.

Posted by Admin in General | 1 Comment

This shop owner needed more room to store things so he bought the caravan which was cheap at the time. Our Franna crane was called in to lift it out of its current position and lift it over the brick wall into the courtyard at the rear of the shop.

Using the spreader bar from the crane I rigged the van up with timbers running under the van to act as bearers and some soft slings to avoid damage.

It took a couple attempts to get the centre point of gravity. Then it was ready to go.

I needed to slew the van from its parking spot then reverse out of the laneway. The van was then lifted over the wall at an angle to allow for it to be lowered in position.

The shop owner was a bit nervous as the van went over the wall but all was well when it was landed safely.

The gear was disconnected from the van and stowed away on the franna for transport back to our yard.

The job was completed successfully within about an hour or so and with the travel time included was done as a minimum hire..

The client was wrapped that it was done with care and that the task was completed safely.

1 Comment


Job well done. Thank you for your help and I will definetly use your services again Wayne.

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