Franna accident in Darlington Road Upgrade

Crane accident kills man working on road upgrade in St Marys, Adelaide
June 2017
Worker killed in crane accident.

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Photo: The man died at the scene. (ABC News)

A man has been killed in a workplace accident involving a crane working on the Darlington road upgrade along Adelaide's North-South Corridor.

Emergency services were called to Ayliffes Road about 9:30pm on Tuesday after receiving reports that a man was caught under a crane.

The 35-year-old, from Plympton, died at the scene.

Ayliffes Road was closed between Main South Road and Five Ash Drive as Major Crash Investigators examined the scene. The road has reopened to traffic.

Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) state secretary Aaron Cartledge described the death as another tragic event and said it had been a horrific year on Australian building sites, with about one death a week. "What we do know is it was a 25-tonne tractor crane. They were transporting some of the concrete jersey barriers they use between the road and the worksite," Mr Cartledge said.

"The worker has been between those concrete barriers and the front of the crane and somehow in that process he's ended up going underneath the crane." He said the union was always concerned about lighting and fatigue on projects being carried out at night.

"It always adds to the risk when workers are working in the darkness and how you manage that between traffic and these sorts of hazards — so we have always got concerns about night work," he said. "We know it is necessity to minimise problems with traffic but it does increase the risk."

The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure said contractors were undertaking crane works when the accident happened. "Works at the location immediately stopped. SafeWork SA are investigating," it said in a statement.

The department said counselling had been offered to all site workers and "our thoughts are with the family and colleagues of the worker".

Police said they would work in consultation with SafeWork SA and prepare a report for the coroner.

Flowers were left on the side of the road where a man died in a crane accident.

First posted 14 Jun 2017, 7:02am

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